Please note that before you can top up your workspace you will need to add a name and office address to your workspace.
Bank transfers may take up to 7 days to be reflected on your workspace balance due to processing times. If you require funds quickly, you may wish to consider adding money by card payment, which is easy and instant.
Please be aware that some banks may impose additional charges for international transfers or payments.
When you top up your account via bank transfer, you’ll need to include a unique payment reference. This ensures the funds are correctly matched to your Prolific workspace. Read more about this below.
Adding money via bank transfer
1. Log into your workspace and navigate to the Finance section. Make sure you are in the correct workspace first! You can read more about navigating between workspaces here.
2. Click 'Add money’ under the 'Finance' menu drop-down.

3. Select the 'Bank Transfer' option. Enter the amount you want to add to your workspace and, if applicable, your approval reference (purchase order number).
If you wish to add money via a card payment instead, please see Adding money via card payment.
4. When you enter an amount here, if your local currency is different to your Prolific workspace, we will advise the amount you should transfer in your local currency.

5. Next click confirm and you will be shown bank details to make payment to based on your workspace currency and address. You will be given a unique payment reference number, for example, 112233445566. This reference is unique for this payment amount. Please transfer the specified amount of funds with the unique payment reference to ensure your payment is allocated to your workspace. If you need to transfer additional funds, please request a new payment
6. We will also email you an invoice with this information, which you can also view in the invoices section of your workspace finance page
7. Once Prolific receives the funds for your invoice we’ll credit them to your workspace. Please note this can take up to 7 days from when you process the bank transfer. The invoice will show as paid in the invoices section of the workspace finance page once the funds have been credited.
Paying an invoice via Bank transfer
All invoices provided by Prolific contain the relevant bank details and reference number for payment.
Please send payment to the bank details specified on the invoice and ensure that the correct ban transfer reference number is included with the transfer. Adding the incorrect bank transfer reference will cause delays in adding money to your account.
Each invoice must be paid separately so we can match each payment to the correct invoice. To confirm we have received your money, send your remittance advice to
Please note that invoices are only valid for payment for 45 days. If you don’t have an invoice yet or the invoice is older than 45 days, you can see how to generate an invoice here.
How long will it take?
This process will typically take up to 7 days. If your transfer is not credited to your workspace within a week of payment, please contact our Support Team via the button below. It is helpful if you are able to provide proof of payment for the transfer with your request that shows when the payment was made, how much was transferred, and the reference used.
Institutional bank transfers (e.g. Invoicing & Purchase Orders)
If your institution will be making the bank transfer on your behalf, we advise requesting an invoice for the desired amount. This invoice will contain the relevant bank account details to be used for the transfer.
Please ensure your institution includes the unique payment reference (not the invoice number) in their transfer so that the funds are added to the workspace from which you generated the invoice. If the unique payment reference number is not provided, this may cause delays in matching the funds to your workspace.
If your institution requires a purchase order, you can send it to our support team. However, since we don't require purchase orders to add funds to your workspace, please create an invoice right after sending the purchase order and provide that invoice to your institution.
If your institution requires Prolific's address, it is: Prolific Academic Ltd, 483 Green Lanes, London, England, N13 4BS
If the transfer is not credited to your workspace within a week of payment and your institution has confirmed that payment has been made, please get in touch using the button below. Please provide evidence of the transfer with your request that shows when the payment was made, how much was transferred, and the reference used.
Need further help?
Click here to contact us